Friday 16 April 2021

Self portrait

I made a portrait of me in my google drive. I made a google drawing. I named it.I got a image of me and put it in. I used poly line to trace around my face hair mouth nose eye and eye brows and coloured them in. I hope you like this blog post bye.

Friday 9 April 2021

Peer mediation

Hi on Wednesdays the teacher ad in the hi school comes over and teachs me and my class about peer mediation.  There are five animals that are like us. There's a fox a owl,a tortise, a teddy bear and a shark. The owl is fair like it wants everyone win it is also good with working together. the fox likes to make deals its not always fair it wins and it loses. The teddy bear is the peace keeper so like it is going to say yes lots it wants ever one to be happy. The tortise is like it will run away it trys to stay away from problems. the shark is like it well say no it wants its idea. I hope you like this blog post and what animal do you like best.


Friday 5 March 2021


 To day me and my class went to the pool I was so excited. My grope had Zoe my best friend. I had to use a board, Madden had one too. First we did some kicking then we got to use the boards. I got water in my nose yuk!I was cold but I did not get out of the pool. It was time to go we changed out of are togs and got on the bus.I had a fun time at the pool I cant what to go again. I hope you like this blog post.

Wednesday 24 February 2021

Marching ants

This is the marching ants. I did it because it is a maths challenge for my classroom.  this is how I did it I practised with counters and looked for the pattern I did 1 than 2  3 4 and 5 and I used screencastify.

Wednesday 10 February 2021

my Chromebook pet

 This is my Chromebook pet. Fist I went to Explore to get these emjas than I put some text in it. I made it bekase it tells you the Kawa of Care. Do you like it?

Tuesday 1 September 2020

Vocab Activity

This is my vocab activity. I learnt want flit means. It means to flutter quickly from place to place or move in a light darting way. I hop you like it.


Thursday 27 August 2020

Worthwhile Maths

 This is me and Ava's worthwhile maths. We have been learning how to repeat a pattern.